The Terror of the Seven Crypts by Etienne Aubin
I have an abbreviated version of this on my website, Apologies if you think you may have read it before. I have updated the information about the author and added some new links. If you have not, welcome to the Library Of Doom!
I’m writing these reviews just for fun. I have an extensive collection of trashy sci fi, action, horror, fantasy novels and just thought I would give some quick reviews so people get the idea what they are about. I’m no reviewer, so don’t expect any literary insights!! If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen me post the images on my stories. These are books of a different time, when publishing was king and attitudes a lot different! Be warned!!!
I am trying to collect as many of the New English Library horror titles as possible. It’s a task, getting more expensive all the time!!!! NEL really new how to pump these out, as well as all sorts of other genres, but that’s a whole website on its own! Check out Nasty Nels , sadly defunct now but has everything you want to know!
Terror of the Seven Crypts the first of the early horror series from NEL, which they randomly just seemed to start and stop numbering for some reason. This is an early one (1974) so not the most gory of tales.
The story is set during the French Revolution and a bunch of characters of noble descent and those connected to them are on the run. After a skirmish, where some Revolutionaries get killed, they are chased from town and eventually find refuge in an abandoned chateau . The cast of characters include a fiery damsel in distress, an aloof noble and servant, a lecherous banker and the handsome soldier to name a few. Plus lot’s of skeletons!
Unbeknownst to them , it is a secret hiding place of the stolen royal treasures of Marcel Fournier, one time partner of revolutionary leaders Robespierre and Marat.
What unfolds is a gothic tale of terror as members of the group disappear. An unknown assailant, chases or leads them to one of the seven crypts, which have various terrible traps and the individuals are despatched in various horrific ways ( spikes, snakes, crocodiles???) .
This a a cheesy, somewhat meandering novel, that seems obsessed with the women’s breasts for a lot of its time! I don’t think it will win any rewards for historical accuracy or characterisation. Saying that, its a light fun read that I really enjoyed. Part murder mystery, part gothic horror. It feels like a novelisation of a Roger Corman movie with Vincent Price, over the top dialogue, strange characters, slight splashes of crimson and with traps as good as any Indiana Jones tale! A cracking hoot of a novel!!
Eteinne Aubin was a pseudonym for British author James Moffat. From the late-sixties until 1980 Moffatt wrote for New English Library under his own name and the pen names including J. J. More, Etienne Aubin, Trudi Maxwell, Leslie McManus, James Taylor, Ray Ferrier, Johnny Douglas, Ron Cunningham . He also wrote the infamous Skinhead Books under the name Richard Allen.
Moffatt was born in Canada in 1922 and died in England in 1993. After a spell living in California he moved to England where he wrote a slew of novels between 1965 and 1980, initially for Compact Books and subsequently for New English Library. Unfortunately he took to the drink heavily and didn’t write anything for the last 15 years of his life. His Obituary in the Guardian gives you an idea how prolific he was. There is also a fascinating article here about his Richard Allen Books.
He wrote one more novel under the Aubin moniker, Dracula and the Virgins of the Undead.
I have yet to source this one at a decent price (asking price of £20.00 at the moment!!!) but it sound wonderfully trashy!
Let me know if you have ever read it or if you see the Dracula book for a decent price!
More reviews to come. From ultra violent westerns, over the top bloodthirsty action, sword splattering savagery and gore drenched horrors!!!